Il Signor Acciaio (Mr. Steel)


How do we hold space for people who are suffering? This film dives into the trauma of addiction and recovery. It presents the need to connect as an outlet of electricity, a spark that is painful to lose and almost impossible to share. A phone may ring and a cord may be cut but how can we sit with those we love without unplugging from their desires even if those desires are directly adverse to our own? It challenges us to make a ceiling of light to illuminate the dark spaces of death and rebirth and allow simple compassion to take hold. A moment of sitting across from someone and just whispering yes, I am here with you, I see you, and I accept you. Vincenzo is terminally ill and relies on medication to numb his pain. When he finds “Mr. Steel”, his beloved toy robot from childhood, Vincenzo aspires to be no longer human, so he would stop feeling pain. Serena, his wife, is bewildered by her husband’s increasingly absurd behavior. Through the power of love and compassion, Serena must find sense in madness in order to do the right thing.


Federico Cappabianca

Video Duration

20 min.





