My Search and Vincent


Peter Reijers, initiator: “When I first learned about Vincent de Paul, I was immediately curious to learn more. A man with a vision, who decided, over 400 years ago, that poverty was certainly not a part of life. A man who was engaged in this point of view, in a practical and in a pragmatic sense. When I learned more about him, I wondered whether his ideas would still be relevant, in our days. The board of the Vincent de Paul Center in the Netherlands found that it was a good idea to verify that, with young people. Which are their points of view on poverty, on their own responsibilities, and those of others? I interviewed a number of them. Thanks to the Vincent de Paul Center in the Netherlands, the Congregation of the Mission and Orange Films, this led to a fine contemporary report.”

Fr. Miles Heinen, C.M.: “I invite you to spend an evening exploring who the poor of today are and how your interaction with them can bring you more life. Join in watching the documentary that was submitted to the Finding Vince400 Film Festival in Rome and share your own insights that this documentary brings forth in you.”

Fr. Joe Agostino, C.M. (Vincentian Family): “I encourage you to watch and reflect upon “My Search for Vincent – Contemporary Talks on Poverty.” By doing so, you will continue to shape the influence of Vincent’s spirit on the world today, the start of the 5th century of the living out of Vincent’s vision.”




Orange Films

Video Duration

44 min.






Dutch, English subtitles